Few days back, had off from class so I reached home early from the
usual schedule. I was climbing the stairs of my apartment. As soon as
I reached the 1st floor there was a sweet little baby boy standing in
front of one of the doors and there was this lady trying to open the
door, I guess his Mother she is. The boy was of around 3 to 4 year
old, he was staring at me and I was staring him. His eyes were so
cute, I didn't wanted to get my eyes off them, his chubby cheeks, I
wanted to pull them tightly and kiss them till they go red (Aww...! I
can't resist it, yes I'm very wild with kids, that's why my nieces and
nephews run aways when they see me, because I hug them, kiss their
cheeks. Oh! I really love kids for every damn thing about them) But
then since it was our first meeting I didn't wanted to loose the
opportunity of us meeting in the future. You see, you need to be good
with kids or else you never know when can they dump you! Seriously! :(
I went close to him, he still gave me the serious look, I blinked my
eyes with a smile on my face, just wanted to give him assurance that
Baby, I'm your well wisher okay! Her Mother was still busy with lock
and key, unimaginably she took too much time I guess, but how does it
matter? I was enjoying his baby's stares, as if he wanted to scare me,
he didn't change his expressions with my smile. Hmm... Tough one to
get along. But don't worry, once I decide to be friend with somebody I
get it all, and especially with kids my rappo is quite good. It's a
record that I've always had neighbours who have small kids and I
always get along with them very well. Oh! I love kids... :) But for
the time being I prefered going with patience, so without any force I
went ahead to climb other two floors to reach home.
He was still noticing me I waved him a bye, he turned his face towards
his mother, may be finaly she could open the door. Never mind, let's
see how long it takes me to be his friend? For now, first task on hand
is to know his good name. :)