December 30, 2013

Who are you?

I'm a daughter to my parents. I'm a sister to my brothers or sisters. I'm a friend to my friends. I'm an employee to my boss. I'm a wife to my husband. I'm a sister-in-law/ daughter-in-law to my in-laws. I'm a mother to my children. I'm a helper to my neighbours. I'm an anchor to my sports team. I'm this... I'm that... But who am I to myself?  Yes?
This question had made me restless. I do this and that for others who expect from me for some or other reason called love and affection sometimes or sometimes it's some sheer responsibility of mine being associated to them. But what about things I've to do in life? What about things that I love to do, I would love to do, I had to do for me, my own happiness? What? Nothing! Huh...
In fulfilling desires and wishes and expectations of others around us we completely forget our own individuality, our own wills, desires, choices, aims, goals and everything else... Just because we can't hurt others, we can't crush their dreams, their hopes, their expectations, etc...
But this life of ours is also one na! What about it? In living for others one day our last day will come and then we'd regret on our death bed for not doing anything we desired. Though there will be thousands of people praising you being good to them but had you been good to yourself? This question will not cease with their fulfillment of desires.
Please know what's your dream, what's your aim, goal, what's your idea about your own life? What is it? Know it and follow it...
I will try it for myself hope you know yours.

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