December 28, 2011

Why we have sorrows?

No matter how much you like to eat sweets but beyond a point you won't be able to eat it and you will ask for normal food that have spice in it, as you will be boarded of eating it.
But we never get tired of eating spicy food and hence the li'l proportion of sweet have more value when we eat it less frequently.
Similarly, life cannot be always happy-happy, there are normal days and sorrows in our life and that li'l happiness which we get sometimes adds to the taste to our life otherwise same would have been the result of happiness. If everything would have been good it would have been normal and this life would have been so boring! Isn't it? ;)

So, we have less happiness and more of normal life so that we can realise the happiness as some sort of change to the normal life and so that we keep on expecting from this life!
But that doesn't mean that we should smile occasionally!
Keep Smiling! :D
(Show you teeth lazy!)

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