At times you come across difficult situations in life where you start to find it difficult to maintain your peaceful state of mind and emotions start to slide from your hands as the sand slips no matter how hard you try to hold it or how tight you grip, it just slips from your hand and you cannot control it all the times.
I'm facing such a situation currently and to divert myself I'm thinking of writing but couldn't really think of anything else hence writing about it.
What could be done in such situations then I'm wondering?
1. Get hold of your emotions:
Keeping your emotions in control is better than bursting out in anger. So many times we end up reacting to a situation to which we later regret to have waited and may be things would have been better. It's always good to wait and analyse the situation.
2. Divert yourself:
Pull yourself out of the situation so that you can think clearly. In fact don't even think about it. Just let it go. Just do your thing. Focus on yourself. Make yourself the centre of the universe. Pamper and take care of yourself.
3. Meditate and deep breathe:
Sit still and quite in one place and just take deep breathes. With stillness and more supply of oxygen you'll be able to de-stress yourself.
4. Address the issue:
After a while (it may be minutes/hours/days/months) take your time and address the issue and try to resolve it. Till then don't over think and just stay calm and cool!
Thought of the day: Life comes with its ups and downs not all days are happy nor will they stay bad! Bad situations help you grow and learn. Keep learning.
Keep writing!
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