September 6, 2016


As the train trail towards the destination, Lal Baugh, I couldn't resist thinking of a concept... MANNAT!
The fabulous and the famous festival of India and particularly of Maharashtra has begun, GANESH CHATHURTHI!
Lal Baugh cha Raja has been more so auspicious. Though personally I am believer that God exists everywhere around us and there is no difference but still I would admit it that I do end up visiting Lal Baugh every year. There is indeed a pull that drives me.
The very first time I had gone to Navas(Mannat) que. It took us 18 hours to get the Darshan. We were tired, sleepless, hungry... It's said that every wish of your get fulfilled. Well! No offence but mine didn't get fulfilled. In fact to be honest, mine never got fulfilled ever like this! And when it happened to me for the first time I blamed God for it, when it repeated I slowly started blaming myself too for I may be failing somewhere in my prayers or hopes I felt. But then there were times when I prayed whole heatedly still nothing seemed to work for me.
I was raged! I thought I was being fooled, misguided, cheated and what not!
I became atheist. From a strong believer to no believer of God. Anyone would, isn't it? I wanted to ask God why? But he never seemed to answer. I wanted to know the reason... And long ahead once I got my answer...
He the almighty knows it all. May be we don't need to strive hard over trying to convince him to do some miraculous magic for us but may be we need to divert those hard efforts on getting the thing we want by ourselves. No offence! I'm not saying those who get their wishes fulfilled are faking it or anything negative about it. I respect them and their emotions and spiritual values equally but I'm not the one from that category. And I believe that God has made me powerful enough to get myself everything with my own karma... May be we don't need to even ask for it from him for he the almighty knows it by himself more than we ourselves what we want!
It's also a fact that Gods plans are always better than ours!😊😉
Ganpati bappa morya!

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