July 28, 2015

Planning for life

It's very essential to have a plan for your life.
Being alive it's such a wonderful feeling... 😊
Since I'm alive and want to live life to it's fullest it's essential that I draw rough route to where I want to head in this journey of life and then as I come close to the turns I may take decisions and make those rough goals into final decisive ones and step ahead in the journey...
The plan that you carve may not have most of the real difficulties that you're going to face but then as you come across them you may realize about them and accordingly prepare yourself for future.
One thing that should be understood its, disheartening will not help you. No matter how difficult it becomes too walk, no matter how hard the path becomes, no matter how unhappy and unfaithful life seems, no matter how unwanted and meaningless you find yourself in this world, no matter how useless you think you're... But the reality it's, you've a ROLE to play and this role leads through these paths, sometimes meaningless, sometimes meaningful, whatever or its, you've to LIVE!

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