December 13, 2015


A woman is like a water!
She is flexible enough to take the shape you want to shape in.
She is adaptable enough to take the color you want to color in.
She is soft at times and she can be harsh with its forces.
She has her own flow for her life.
She gives life to many.
She can even be harmful at times if in excess... (LOL! If you know what I mean? ;-))
She cannot be trapped and stopped with the force.
She is pure and beautiful when flows in her direction where she intends to go!
Without a women in your life in any form, your life is incomplete, isn't it? :-)

December 8, 2015

Learn to reply...

When someone is giving you their time, make a note to respect it and never ever walk out leaving them waiting for you whereas you either don't care about their wait or become too innocent to not have noticed about it. In any situation you will lose your integrity...

December 7, 2015

Being Selfish

Those who say about themselves and/or those whom others say that they are selfish, are they really selfish COMPLETELY?!
It is easy to think about our own selfish needs with regards to materialistic things BUT when it comes to VALUE, MORALE, CULTURE, CHARACTER, etc., terms, almost everyone become selfless and want OTHER person to have those in them than thinking about oneself, isn't it?

Why can't we be selfish when it comes to showing good character, having good values, imbibing great morale into us? We all want others to understand and behave properly to us all the time whilst save ourself from every situation with some excuse. Rather it's that we hardly think about ourself and our behaviour and always try to point out our index on others and find faults in their wrong doings, correct them than either try to think from their point of view or think of how we as an individual could have changed the scenario from being ruined, do we? Do we think what can we improve in ourself today? Do you think about the day at it's end and just think of good things you did and about the not so good moments how could they be improved by yourself only solely by you changing something in you, may it be your perspective towards that situation or any small act or a positive thought or just forgiving the person who did something not acceptable, do we?

Indeed the answer lies inside us...

Sometimes it's good to be selfish you see... ;)
Just think about YOU first then about others!


December 4, 2015


Agreeing and accepting as well as following positivity in life, the difficult phase comes when life is unfair to you and all your positivity seems to drain for a moment and you don't want to think even a single thing that is good but want to focus and accept clearly and truly that YES, MY LIFE IS SUCKING!



Why it so happens that the more you try to keep patience the more you feel it being tested?
Reaching a juncture of life where everything looks only blur and there seems no correct path nor the road you've taken for so long seem to take you anywhere and you don't know if there is any alternate route available or if you can even try on new way or either you should discover one!
This confusion... It suffocates sometimes!
And worst part... ONLY YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GOING THROUGH... Even if you try to tell about it to someone, they either underestimate it and could not relate to your feelings or they try to give you the sympathy which just don't help anyways.

It feels damn funny when you look back at your life and feel that life has changes so drastically and yet ironically you get the feeling that nothing has changed since so long and life is just PAUSED!

October 4, 2015

Thankful to almighty

Life has so many incidences...
They're chapters to our story written by God. And every chapter has a moral. If the moral is leant then chapter gets closed and new one begins. If the moral is not leant, the chapter keeps going...

Until we serve the life's purpose the story doesn't end.

I'm thankful to each chapter and the moral I've learning. Good or bad, whatever the experience has been, the joinery of life always have amazed me with its surprises, with the ups and downs, with the twist and turns, with the dead ends and the new discovery of paths... 😊

Every single life seems means to our soul's learning which reaches its destination in our last life when we learn our last lessons and may be reach to a great heights as a person or living being.

October 2, 2015

Don't fall...

Never fall so much for someone or something that your own individuality is lost and you neither find respect from others nor you recognize your self respect!

August 2, 2015

Friendship Day! ;-)

Had a lovely day today on friendship day by meeting all me BFFs.
Sometimes life feels so blessed despite all ODDs all because I'm surely blessed to have lovely people in my life. They help me, inspire me, be with me as pillar and never let me fall, be with me at all times, even if I forget to contact without any ego make efforts to be in touch.
So many things I've learned from them and learning more...
I am sure they too feel same for me hence I am part of their life. :-)
Thank you GOD for all the friends you've given me. They are one of best people in the world! :-) 

July 31, 2015

Shiva Triology 1- The Immortals of Meluha

I have been fascinated about this book series by the praise I heard for this author and his work. After making right time to start with this book, also because of my pure interest in SPIRITUALITY, I haven't tried before reading any spiritual book but had followed the story of LORD SHIVA for the matter of fact of being Hindu by religion or otherwise the worship done in family but yes indeed, I had some interest in reading the book only for the matter of fact it being based on story of Lord Shiva and yet it offering something new and different was the another obvious reason to go for it!
Mind you! Taking the same story line and  trying to write it differently without deviating from it's real essence as well as fulfilling the essence on the main sculpture isn't totally an easy task which the author Amish had fulfilled to the greater extent if not completely.
Having known the story of Lord Shiva and reading something same in order to find something new was into itself a too high as a hope from deep inside of my tiny heart and yet the book had not disappointed me so much so that as soon as I finished with the first series I fetch the following one from the same series rather than taking a break and continuing with something else to refresh my mind.
The story, as already described is written based on the Modern lifestyle in the same spiritual sense, this is something that this man 'AMISH' did to break the ice. Well, to admit it or to confess, I have never been a person to love reading HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY, WAR or TRAVEL type of books. And this book has almost all of these things and I held it high in my hands reading it over long late nights, wishing day not to end like this, getting scoldings from Parents for indulging too much into a book, hiding myself and pretending to be asleep sometimes to rescue from the taunts, I read the book that was very aptly descriptive neither too heavy nor too shallow. The imaginary descriptions awesomely transfuse to distill historic spiritual essence to transform the wholesomeness of actual momentary situations into the actuality of real world making them appear in front of your eyes as you read them. May it be the war, the wit, friendliness, faith or the dance of the Neelkanth it all transforms as real in the description without stretching it beyond reasons.
The story has newness yet wasn't vague. The historic heroes and other characters were very well defined, characterized, played into the plot that was not ditto to what any of us would have heard or seen as a story of Lord Shiva. Having seen the series of show Devon ke Dev Mahadev on Life OK channel I am well acquainted with the whole story. Yet Shiva and Sati of this new modern story are different yet similarly spiritual and soulful.
The part that touched me deeply-Ram rajya and the policies framed by Lord Rama. Having seen the caste system prevailing in INDIA since decades and surely going to go on for don't-know-how-long, what Amish wrote was such a perfect policy for the perfect empire like Meluhans'. I wished if the Karma of human being actually decided the fate of profession they would be in then many wouldn't have suffered in the past nor would have they been suffered this way in present and not in mere future. But well..  that's the PERFECT scenario... Still, it felt good to know the perfect scenario!
The Vikarma system-untouchable it's was and is indeed very strange one, the logic, the following of same in the society, it's difficult to curb it. Only Neelkanth could erase it but not from real India.
The fiction that Amish added, it's perfection make me feel whether the real GOD forgot to imbibe those principles in lives of humanity before their extinction for the real India still suffers from so much from it's vague beliefs that humanity is still in danger. Well, may be only God knows, whether he forgot or we forgot...
The death of Brihaspati was indeed shocking and sad. The friendship shown between Shiva and him was affectionately sweet and lovely. A friend anyone would want to have.
The faith of people of Meluhans' in the Neelkanth led normal man Shiva drive ahead and lead the humanity to free them from the EVIL. Shiva's past-the nightmare he get was the transformation of a child into man and yet the guilt remained forever which was also an essential for him to lead his destiny to save Meluhans'.
Sati, strong yet delicate, cultural yet revolting, loving yet opposing, supportive yet a thinker, daughter of King yet accepted the title of Vikarma. One of the wonderful character Amish has plot with the suspense of she being the Vikarma, her culture, her sacrifices, her dignity, her love, her support, everything about SATI was a learning for me as a woman, as an Indian woman.
Love of Shiva & Sati has always touched me deeply as a person who believes in soulmates. The attempt to sacrifice her life for Shiva by Sati and then Shiva's immense faith in saving Sati's life even though everyone gave up all hope was really touching phase.
The first part ends with the suspense whether the Nagas are the real evil if not the Chandravanshi?

P.S.: One thing I felt that could have been better is the cover of the book. Since Amish has depicted the importance of THE NEELKANTH so much in the book, the faith of people in people him by mere his name. I wish the cover pic would have been that of The Neelkanth than this one! (Just a thought being a complete reader whom title as well as cover too matters along with the story! ;-))
Well, I am not giving any sort of recommendations whether you should read this book or not but with the given summary of the same you felt like you can feed your brain with something from this one then go for it, for everyone has different taste and preferences in reading. You may sometimes experiment with your taste though, who knows you might like it? ;-)

Happy Reading! :-)

July 28, 2015

Planning for life

It's very essential to have a plan for your life.
Being alive it's such a wonderful feeling... 😊
Since I'm alive and want to live life to it's fullest it's essential that I draw rough route to where I want to head in this journey of life and then as I come close to the turns I may take decisions and make those rough goals into final decisive ones and step ahead in the journey...
The plan that you carve may not have most of the real difficulties that you're going to face but then as you come across them you may realize about them and accordingly prepare yourself for future.
One thing that should be understood its, disheartening will not help you. No matter how difficult it becomes too walk, no matter how hard the path becomes, no matter how unhappy and unfaithful life seems, no matter how unwanted and meaningless you find yourself in this world, no matter how useless you think you're... But the reality it's, you've a ROLE to play and this role leads through these paths, sometimes meaningless, sometimes meaningful, whatever or its, you've to LIVE!

June 2, 2015


Having decided to watch the movie PIKU, lots of time went in deciding when to go... After things sorted out well, finally we (me and two dear friends) landed to the nearest theatre to experience to what actual the end experience wasn't the aim in the mind when thought and heard about it in the start when it had released or not even them the promotions had begun.
Not completely fault of others, including the good cast of Big B, Irfan Khan and Dipika Padukone (only to an extent that after her decades of movies that I found some sort of expression thing coming out of her face, though not any voice modulation from her throat, may be Bollywood can still give her decade to get more from her). Coming back.... Having heard about multiplicity of views by many I thought it could be a good relaxation for post exam pressure. How I was proven wrong in my judgement isn't too long after the movie started having got bored by the N number of advertisements, it started with a big yawn, no not in the movie but in me. Dipika moved doing some hairdo and howling on her old age father, played by no one else but THE AMITABH BACHCHAN, who in turn was howling on his daughter. Well the END of the first part. YEAH GUYS, no please I didn't take you by surprise but myself was taken by for watching the first part I thought of, HELL, I WASTED MY 150/- BUCKS in the SH*TTY MOVIE. Well indeed it was all about how you get frustrated when your SH*T doesn't passes smoothly! OOPPSSS... What the HELL am I talking about! But yes, am talking about the same HELL to what the HELL they've shown, NO OFFENCE to the blessed feeling we get that our intestine is working normal, GOD FORBID!
I begged & prayed to GOD for at least have something more in this movie than the conspiracy about the CONSTIPATION!
Oh! How can I miss the most, again not soooo very much interesting but not so believable plot, at least to an Indian Society or based on the hurtful contents of the cultures and traditions or SENTIMENTS of INDIAN PARENTS depicted where the old father doesn't want his daughter to get married and publicly is exploiting her privacy and sexual status of not being virgin. WHAT RIDICULOUS was that I wondered! 

Well... Only bodily present to watch the next half, I tried to keep my eyes open and avoid expressing my deep regrets for deciding to watch this movie, having cursed the hard attempts to make for this one, finally I tried to survive till the last THE END!

April 3, 2015


A scene on a daily soap, HIT ME HARD deep inside...  Couldn't stop from sharing it at this place which is so much MINE... ☺

THE HUSBAND returns after years ever since he got frustrated and left his WIFE & a very young daughter of 2-3 year old who were not only dependent on him for finances but also for LOVE and expected a normal life. After he returns the wife goes into the flashback and remembers how she BEGGED to him to not leave them alone.

So strange i felt after watching the scene... 
A PERSON decides to leave everything because he is frustrated of everything and everyone around. He wanted to get rid of EVERYONE and be alone. BUT when he was alone he understood what he had lost!
Well this theory is altogether different but what KNOCKED me was, HE RETURNED BACK, he returned to home, to parents, to wife, to child, to normal life. He returned to a second chance... BUT....  But do he deserve it? This is what strike me... 
Two thoughts...
First, NO, he should be abandoned. He left coz he thought he had choice whether he wanted to give love and affection that was his first duty towards his family. So now his family should also get equal right to choose, him or no more of him.
Second, YES, he returned coz he LEARNT life isn't about leaving the battle field and running away but about fighting the battle together with the help of loved ones. He learned the LESSON.

Second one mature understanding but equally difficult to implement. First one a general perception or line of action. It's always easy to follow general perception BUT it's not a cake walk to do second one.

Well one thing is foresure LIFE ISN'T THAT EASY... 😂

Facing the situation

The difference between saying and doing is when you face the situation you come to know it....  😂

March 21, 2015


Sometimes, when I look at few couples who seems weird in their personalities and from outer perspective they look incompatible, well you may think I'm being judgemental about them but being an observer indeed you do judge, but when you look at their years of relationship with each other the saying looks to have been proved true, true love lies in souls.
I guess what it takes for a long lasting, happy and successful relationship is not COMPATIBILITY but ACCEPTABILITY.
We all agree that No one is perfect. But when we come to choosing or life partner we do end up expecting him/her to be perfect for us. We look at compatibility rather then the acceptance level.
Generally if you'll see, we have so many relations that we share in our day to day life. We have firstly our Parents then our siblings then cousins, other relatives and friends. Out of all only our friends are the one whom we choose. But those who are with us from always and will be with us forever are our family members and you know the strangest fact? We get our family by birth. We don't get choice. From starting we know he is my dad, she is my mom, he&/she is Bro&/Sis and so on. We never judge them. I've never heard anyone saying, I wish he was my father instead of my dad or she was my mother or so...  But when it comes to spouse, at least in today's generation it is like, so DAMN strange when I hear relationships break coz people are not happy with each other and end up with divorce and then remarriage. I'm not against divorce or remarriage but it's like when you feel like you have an option with you, people are tend to exercise the same i guess. Whereas, a true relationship is accepting others flaws and loving the person more for his/her qualities than trying to throw them out of your life and look for those qualities in someone else and then get involved with them.
Likewise I guess everyone should end up marrying every other person, because we all are unique and everyone has flaws not to forget.

Uff, these social life issues, they're not at all easy to handle... 🙆

March 7, 2015

Things You Should Stop Expecting from Others

The biggest disappointments in our lives are often the result of misplaced expectations. This is especially true when it comes to our relationships and interactions with others.

Tempering your expectations of other people will greatly reduce unnecessary frustration and suffering, in both your life and theirs, and help you refocus on the things that truly matter.

Which means it’s time to…

1. Stop expecting them to agree with you.
You deserve to be happy. You deserve to live a life you are excited about. Don’t let the opinions of others make you forget that. You are not in this world to live up to the expectations of others, nor should you feel that others are here to live up to yours. In fact, the more you approve of your own decisions in life, the less approval you need from everyone else.

You have to dare to be yourself, and follow your own intuition, however frightening or strange that may feel or prove to be. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t get discouraged by their progress or success. Follow your own path and stay true to your own purpose. Success is ultimately about spending your life happily in your own way.

2. Stop expecting them to respect you more than you respect yourself.
True strength is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles. It’s about having faith and trust in who you are, and a willingness to act upon it. Decide this minute to never again beg anyone for the love, respect, and attention that you should be showing yourself.

Today, look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you, and from now on I’m going to act like it.” It’s important to be nice to others, but it’s even more important to be nice to yourself. When you practice self-love and self-respect, you give yourself the opportunity to be happy. When you are happy, you become a better friend, a better family member, and a better YOU.

3. Stop expecting (and needing) them to like you.
You might feel unwanted and unworthy to one person, but you are priceless to another. Don’t ever forget your worth. Spend time with those who value you. No matter how good you are to people, there will always be one negative person who criticizes you. Smile, ignore them, and carry on.

In this crazy world that’s trying to make you like everyone else, the toughest battle you’ll ever have to fight is the battle to be yourself. And as you’re fighting back, not everyone will like you. Sometimes people will call you names because you’re “different.” But that’s perfectly OK. The things that make you different are the things that make YOU, and the right people will love you for it.

4. Stop expecting them to fit your idea of who they are.
Loving and respecting others means allowing them to be themselves. When you stop expecting people to be a certain way, you can begin to appreciate THEM.

Pay close attention, and respect people for who they are and not for who you want them to be. We don’t know most people half as well as we believe we do; and truly knowing someone is a big part of what makes them wonderful. Every human being is remarkable and beautiful; it just takes a patient set of eyes to see it. The more you get to know someone, the more you will be able to look beyond their appearance and see the beauty of who they truly are.

5. Stop expecting them to know what you’re thinking.
People can’t read minds. They will never know how you feel unless you tell them. Your boss? Yeah, he doesn’t know you’re hoping for a promotion because you haven’t told him yet. That cute guy you haven’t talked to because you’re too shy? Yeah, you guessed it, he hasn’t given you the time of day simply because you haven’t given him the time of day either.

In life, you have to communicate with others regularly and effectively. And often, you have to open your vocal cords and speak the first words. You have to tell people what you’re thinking. It’s as simple as that.

6. Stop expecting them to suddenly change.
If there’s a specific behavior someone you care about has that you’re hoping disappears over time, it probably won’t. If you really need them to change something, be honest and put all the cards on the table so this person knows how you feel and what you need them to do.

For the most part though, you can’t change people and you shouldn’t try. Either you accept who they are or you choose to live without them. It might sound harsh, but it’s not. When you try to change people, they often remain the same, but when you don’t try to change them – when you support them and allow them the freedom to be as they are – they gradually change in the most beautiful way. Because what really changes is the way you see them.

7. Stop expecting them to be “OK.”
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle, just like you. Every smile or sign of strength hides an inner struggle every bit as complex and extraordinary as your own.

Remember that embracing your light doesn’t mean ignoring your dark. We are measured by our ability to overcome adversities and insecurities, not avoid them. Supporting, sharing and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards. This happens naturally if we allow it, because we all share very similar dreams, needs and struggles. Once we accept this, the world then is a place where we can look someone else in the eye and say, “I’m lost and struggling at the moment,” and they can nod and say, “Me too,” and that’s OK. Because not being “OK” all the time, is perfectly OK.

Afterthoughts People rarely behave exactly the way you want them to. Hope for the best, but expect less. And remember, the magnitude of your happiness will be directly proportional to your thoughts and how you choose to think about things. Even if a situation or relationship doesn’t work out at all, it’s still worth it if it made you feel something new, and if it taught you something new.

Source: Facebook link

Nothing is best forever!

The other day one of my friend looking at the newly constructed building exclaimed, WOW! I wish I would have had home in such a best building 🏢. Then the another friend said, you've not seen many good buildings yet it seems. This isn't the best one, in fact not even one of the best to what I've seen. To this conversation of theirs I wondered something, is there anything or anyone as Best forever and everything?
This best should be the best by all means and for everyone and everything. I don't think if such a thing can be possible! What makes something or someone BEST in our eyes is OUR PERCEPTION! And everyone has different perception/outlook for different matters. No two minds think alike.
Hence it's just within our mind that something or someone is BEST not otherwise it is true...
Similarly, if I apply the same theory to our life then, if whatever we do in our life if it doesn't makes others feel that that thing is good for us then it's their PERCEPTION and not that we're doing something wrong! 😛😞
Hence LOVE 😍 the things you do and be confident 💖👍✌

February 27, 2015

Lost in Transit

Sadly, 😯 I lost my two blog posts due to the error in the app of the Blogger!😠
What yaar, thought once came and imprinted cannot be retrieved back same as it is! 😧😰

February 25, 2015

31st wedding anniversary of my Parents

Today Mom and Dad completed 31 years of marital experience with each other.
Awesome isn't it? 😃
Indian wedding are mostly arranged by their families. In previous generation they use to meet their mates only after marriage. So strange, now at least people get choice to decide and yet they seems to be having difficulty in keeping up with their relationship.
May be people were more patient then and now more rightful. Now no one wish to do any compromise for the whole life. But isn't TRUE LOVE all about SACRIFICE too?
Well, I can write for hours on this topic I guess but would like to over flow my thoughts some other day. 😉😁

LOVE YOU BOTH a lot. 😍💝

February 20, 2015

Listening to inner voice

Sometimes you want to be all alone at a quite place where there is NO one talking to you and NO one whom you got to give reply but you can talk to and listen to your own inner voice and try to make peace with yourself!😌😇

Back on TRACK!

Hi all! 😊
I know it's been too long than anyone including myself would have ever thought that I will be away from my passion, BLOGGING!
I never cease to SURPRISE, neither myself nor did to others. 😜
Writing with my #samsungtab3 is indeed difficult for me comparatively, lack of practice indeed.
Never mind, am very thoughtful of returning to my blog with the same passion as before.
Leaving the explanation & apology apart, because don't wanna get into those details. But am back coz now I thought I will be able to justify my comeback rather I should have wrote for sake of writing! 😉
Tons of thanks for the followers/readers of my blog for bearing my thoughts as well as my writing, BRAVE YOU ALL ARE! 😂 Hope you all are ready to bear more?! 😉😜

Looking forward to pouring my ideas on this wall more frequently! 😊
See ya soon 🙋