August 22, 2013

A strange thought...

No matter how many times you would have listened your favourite song on your mobile or ipod but when the same song is played on FM or music channel there is weird happiness...
Where as you can play it as many times possible in your own music player but that one play of song on TV/FM gives more joy and satisfaction, isn't it? ;)

How strange it is?! :)

August 19, 2013

21 learning

1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

4. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.

5. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.

6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

7. Believe in love at first sight.

8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

11. Don't judge people by their relatives.

12. Talk slowly but think quickly.

13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'

14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

15. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.

16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

17. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.

18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice

21. Spend some time alone.

Received this message on watsapp, loved the learning. :)

August 12, 2013

Keep reading...

I've read this thought somewhere. If you keep reading one page how will you read others? If we keep holding on to our past, good-bad anything then how will life move ahead? It can't!
To keep moving is life. As time and tide stops for no man similarly we too should move along with this journey of life. We have only one life and if we pause at one moment of it, this short life will keep going but we'll be paused with our accomplishment and aims remaining unfulfilled forever. In this world no one damn care about anyone else. We need to take control of our life. If wrong happens we need to take efforts to move ahead of it and catch up with the pace of life again. After all, in the end who knows what will happen? But rather than worrying about the end, enjoying this journey each day is important.

Life is too short to wait for something to come to you, better try to enjoy what we have with us and you never know there can be more better opportunities awaiting on the next stages, only until we have patience to turn the page we could know what comes next.

God help those who help themselves.

Help yourself and life will give you all you want but try accepting it the way it has to offer...

Love life, it's one and it's beautiful too! :)

August 8, 2013

Friendship Day

Those were the days, school days, college days, when we would have 'n' number of friends. 'Hello-hi' types friend, 'i-know-you-by you-face' types friend, 'topper-of-the-class' type friend, 'friends-friend-hence-friend' types friend, 'common-way-to-home' types friend, 'library-glance' types friend, 'teachers-favourite-hence-friend' types friend, 'multi-talented-hence-friend' types friend, 'politically-always-correct' types friend, 'you-like-to-talk-to-me' types friend, 'common-daily-soap-viewer' types friend, 'we-like-fifa' types friend, 'you're-rich' types friend, 'you-hate-one-on-whom-I-have-crush' types friend, 'common-hometown' types friend, 'no-nonsense' types friend, ' study-material-begger' types friend, 'give-me-lift-daily' types friend, 'most-mutual-friends-on-fb,' types friend, 'always-listen-to-my-worries' types friend, and what not else type of friends we have had.
But now when we are grown ups we understand the importance of friendship more than we had then. Few of those common known people turn out to be something special with the passage of time. We learn from them, they learn from us and when acceptability of their and our saying match we chose to share more and spend more time with them. We start sharing, caring, and living a different life with them. We know that they won't judge us, hence we even share things that we don't even share with our family. We ask for opinions from them. We always make attempts to stay connected with them. Ego and Jealousy are the feelings that doesn't exists in this relation. We have more of a happy feeling for their success than the bitterness of our failure. We even have tough times, times when misunderstanding develops but one can always take that one step to undo the knot that get developed into our silky relation. Friendship is about accepting someone on your own with all his good and bad, no one is perfect, remember! But we can definitely change our and the other persons negative thoughts with positive thoughts of one another.
It's that relation which is difficult to be expressed into words but can be felt by the presence of those friends in our lives who will help you as their sibling, who will care about you as their child, who listen to all your worries as their grandchildren, who solve your doubts as their student, who help by all means possible not thinking about whether they have time to do that or not like a Parent, who take out their precious time to meet you to just share few words with you.
Life without friendship will not be life that it is now, is all I can say!
Also, that everyone of us is blessed to have such a mutual relationship in our lives.
Thanks to God, to have given me friends like, Prati, Piyu, Savu, Babbu and Sara!
I love you all my dear bffs!
Thanks for being into my life and making me the way I'm. Friends does have hand into shaping up our lives. I'm honoured to have these friends in my life at different walks of my life whose presence made life a happy journey.
Happy friendship day!